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Public holidays, unusual weather. Here’s how to take advantage | Start Grow Run

Accountants | Business Growth Specialists

Public holidays, unusual weather. Here’s how to take advantage

Public holidays, school breaks, unusual weather… Life’s full of ‘business interrupting’ distractions. And as a business owner, you want to take advantage of those opportunities. You’re the boss and life’s too short, right? Wrong.

A poorly planned absence or ‘few days off’ can cost you a ton of money. From leave entitlements to penalty rates and matters such as staff motivation and accountability, ensuring your business continues to run profitably and commercially during a brief hiatus is easier said than done.

Kyle Clarke, Managing Director at Start Grow Run says, “Many business owners develop industry tunnel-vision, which prevents them from innovating or acting outside their niche. Getting what you want from your business can often be as simple as applying a new perspective. Start Grow Run works across a variety of industry streams and as such, are exposed to ‘best of breed’ practices on a daily basis. We regularly apply ‘tried and tested’ practices to our client’s businesses, which achieves expected results and outcomes.”

Recently, a client of Start Grow Run’s (Arnold) wanted to take time off over Easter and the school holidays. But with a spate of public holidays on the calendar and profitability vulnerable, George resigned to the fact that stepping away was simple too expensive – and too risky.

Through careful strategic leave management, cost control measures and fastidious planning, Start Grow Run not only secured Arnold several days off but also applied a strategy that improved performance against the same quarter last year, netting Arnold an additional profit of $90,000.

More than just accountants, Start Grow Run get involved when you can’t and work with you the rest of the time to ensure bottom line profitability and lifestyle goals and objectives are achieved.  Take advantage of being the boss and enjoy life’s ‘pleasurable interruptions’. Run your business with peace of mind and work smarter today.

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