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Stop taking a hair-cut in your business | Start Grow Run

Accountants | Business Growth Specialists

Stop taking a hair-cut in your business

From Celebrity Apprentice, to Shark Tank and Million Dollar Listing – reality TV viewers love nothing more than a poorly reasoned, emotionally charged business decision. Great viewing perhaps, but in real life – emotional business gaffes will cost you more than the logical, well-reasoned you is probably willing to spend.

Close shave: who is accountable?

From reactionary litigation, to illogical and irrational business strategies, we’ve all heard stories about businesses ruined by emotional decisions. Distinct from emotional intelligence (which plays a vital role in the decision making process), decisions based purely on emotion often get business owners into hot water. They may have been made with the best intentions – but were they in your best interest?

Kyle Clarke, Managing Director at Start Grow Run says, “We see smart, well-educated business people making illogical (and costly) business decisions all the time. It has nothing to do with their intelligence – it’s emotion.”

“I work hard to protect my clients (sometimes from themselves), and take the success of their businesses very personally,” says Clarke. “I push hard to prevent costly mistakes – even if it means stepping on some toes.”

When you’re close to an issue, it’s often hard to decipher the logic. Sitting outside your business, Start Grow Run is well positioned to provide you with an unbiased, emotionally neutral perspective that is backed by decades of business experience. “Although they don’t always see it at the time,” says Clarke, “I am yet to have a client tell me they regret taking the path of logic and careful reason – they usually say, thank you for not letting me make that costly mistake!”

Shifting focus to the overarching objective and minimising distractions can be challenging– but who said doing the right thing by your business was going to be easy? Don’t trust your uninformed or emotional self – speak to Start Grow Run today.

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