Many small business owners see their accountant as a means-to-an end. An over-head that cannot be avoided or a facilitator of a long-overdue tax return. Truth be told, the right accountant is far more than a stock standard number cruncher, they’re a game changer. Capable of providing strategic direction and commercial business advice across a range of business areas, the right accountant focuses on far more than just the bottom line.
At Start Grow Run, our accountants each possess more than 10 years commercial experience in leading corporations – from international advertising agencies to fast-growth recruitment companies and national hotel conglomerates – they’ve worked on the front-line and understand business – not just numbers. Comprising specialist skills in performance coaching, conflict resolution, strategy development and risk mitigation – our accountants are less ‘average Joe,’ more Yoshi super-star (that insightful and helpful dinosaur from Mario Kart that helps you reach tough places and navigate challenging terrain). For a confidential chat and to leave the average Joe in your life behind – get in touch with Start Grow Run today.