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Familiar challenges require a growth mindset | Start Grow Run

Accountants | Business Growth Specialists

Familiar challenges require a growth mindset

Approaching the end of a challenging year can be overwhelming, but it presents an opportunity to consider a new way of living, working and socialising. For small business owners, this might mean making faster decisions on the fly, or even slowing down thinking to ensure better decision outcomes. Whatever your game plan, reaching the end goal requires flexibility and a growth mindset.

When we entered 2021, we all hoped the ‘new normal’ of lockdowns and masks might have been behind us – however, the way we do business, assess risk, generate income and balance priorities has changed again – and history shows that these changes require a long-term growth mindset. To survive (and even thrive) in our not-so-new environment, new thinking and a new roadmap to sustainability is required. But old habits die hard, and for many, imparting change and adopting ‘new thinking’ will be difficult.

Humans consciously and subconsciously avoid change – we prefer patterns, familiarity and routine. It is no surprise then, that a forced re-definition of how business is done – how consumers buy our products, how we administer our services and even how we connect – is a bitter pill to swallow. However – the fact is, devising new ways to conduct business and out-wit the competition are age-old ingredients for long-term success. Today, we just have to act faster.

Identifying old habits and replacing unhelpful distractions with new ways of solving problems requires a new way of thinking. Deeper than tangible actions such as cutting-costs, writing a strategy or investing cash, new thinking will challenge how you manage your business, make decisions and clarify goals. More than a strategy – greater than a plan – Start Grow Run’s new thinking program can re-engineer your business with the tools you already have. Want to know more? Ask Start Grow Run today.

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