For those in NSW, the recent easing of Government restrictions has introduced a new way of living, working and socialising, where like-it-or-not, we have again been asked to rethink our goals, priorities and business operations. For small business owners, this has meant making many quick-change decisions and navigating murky and un-chartered waters. Some of us were ready, others – not so much. To survive and even thrive in our not-so-new environment, new thinking and a roadmap to sustainability is required.
Humans consciously and subconsciously avoid change – we prefer patterns, familiarity and routine. It is no surprise then, that a forced re-definition of how business is done – how consumers buy our products, how we administer our services and even how we connect – is a tough pill to swallow. However – there is an upside – devising new ways to conduct business and out-wit the competition are age-old ingredients for long-term success. Today, we just have to act faster. Here’s how.
(1) Identify old habits and replace unhelpful distractions with new ways of solving problems – and thinking. As a small business owner, growth and innovation starts with you. Ask loyal employees for suggestions and new ideas, enlist the help of family and friends!
(2) Explore deeper than above-the-surface issues, don’t just examine cost-cutting and resource finding – define what makes you different. Know your competitors, re-define your unique selling proposition. Position offerings to attract new customers and staff – get creative!
(3) Rethink what was done yesterday and challenge yourself to a growth mindset. Just because it was done that way before (or was successful in the past), doesn’t mean it will work today.
(4) Look for both old and new opportunities. Tried it before? Maybe an old idea that didn’t work in the past will work today.
(5) New opportunities can often emerge by simply adopting a new perspective. Don’t know where to start? Consider the lens through which you’re looking before discounting a hidden opportunity.
Need help? Start Grow Run can help re-engineer your business with the tools you already have. Want to know more? Ask us how today.